CBD can help with many different ailments, including periods. However, CBD is not going to prevent periods or shorten their length. It is important people understand how CBD helps with periods. The goal is to set proper expectations from CBD products like PlantMD Revive Gummies for periods.
There are ways how CBD helps with periods that can bring women everywhere some relief from the monthly occurrence. Periods vary from person to person; no period is the same. In fact, one woman may have a terrible experience one month and then an easier experience the next month. But what is a period?
Menstruation, more commonly known as a period, is when the body sheds the lining of the uterus. The shedding comes out partly as blood and partly as tissue from the uterus through the cervix and out of the vagina. This process comes with more than a few different symptoms that are considered typical, like moodiness, sleep issues, cravings, cramps, tenderness in the breasts, acne, and bloating.
People familiar with CBD and its benefits may already pick out a few symptoms that CBD can help with based on previous research. However, it is essential to understand that not every ailment comes from the same source. For example, you may have acne, but the cause of the acne is what is treated, not the acne itself.
This means that just because CBD has been shown to help with pain relief doesn’t mean it can help all causes of pain. This also means we all may need to learn how CBD helps with periods before we can rely on it for the next visit.
Periods happen to most women once they turn 12 years old but may not start until they turn 18 years old. These women will experience some sort of symptoms, even if the only symptom is blood spots. But these symptoms aren’t always the same from woman to woman or even period to period.
For example, stress can cause ovulation to happen a few days later than usual, which means progesterone, a dominant hormone after ovulation, will peak later in the cycle. A late peak of progesterone will result in sore breasts and other symptoms.
This shows us that many variables play a role in the menstruation cycles of women. Unfortunately, CBD can’t help turn back time and fix the stress before the period that led to the late arrival of progesterone, which means it may not make a difference for sore breasts.
Understanding our bodies can help us know how to solve the issues. More importantly, we can learn how CBD helps with periods by better understanding them. The symptoms vary depending on outside sources, which is easy to understand. But CBD has been shown to help with pain relief, so can it help with sore breasts during a period?
There are different hormones at work in the body during a period. The easiest way to understand this is to look at it like a relay race. One hormone runs through the body and activates the next hormone, which triggers the next, and so on. The amount of the hormone in the body and the speed at which it completes its race will lead to symptoms and durations of periods. CBD may be able to help with pain, but there are still more studies needed.
There are some people out there who will swear that CBD helped lighten their period symptoms. However, research is sparse on this issue. There has not been any research on whether CBD helps with periods yet. Instead, there was a study done in 2019 with women with endometriosis.
Endometriosis is a disorder in which tissue similar to that which lines the uterus grows outside the uterus. A significant pain comes with endometriosis, and the study done with CBD was to see if it provided relief. The study found that there was pain relief for these women.
However, the study consisted of CBD and weed, and it does not differentiate between the two. This has led a 2020 review to come out and suggest that there simply isn’t enough research to conclude one way or the other. This means that women can only rely on the words of those who have tried CBD for periods and claim it works.
How CBD helps with periods may not be conclusive just yet. However, there are a few things we do know about CBD. We do know that CBD has anti-inflammatory properties, and cramps are caused by inflammation. We do know that CBD has pain-relieving properties, and there is undoubtedly pain with periods.
We also know that CBD is a great sleeping aid, and lack of sleep could lead to mood swings. We may not have a study that shows the exact ways that CBD helps with periods. But we have plenty of studies that show CBD helps with specific ailments that can be caused by the hormone changes that happen during a period.
It is up to us to decide if CBD helps us with our own personal experiences until science can catch up with the human experience.