Many people believe that meditation should not require the aid of outside substances. However, there are numerous benefits to meditating with CBD. We just need to learn how to use CBD for meditation to get the most from the experience(s). PlantMD Revive products are perfect for experimenting with CBD and meditation.
Learning how to use CBD for meditation is one way to improve the benefits we receive from both meditation and CBD. What is meditation? Meditation is a set of techniques used to heighten our sense of awareness. We use that awareness to focus our attention with more control and improve our mental well-being.
Outside substances are not used very often since the goal is to learn how to focus on our own. The last thing we want to do is add a crutch to the process. However, there are enough benefits to outweigh the negatives of using CBD during a meditation session. This is why people turn to CBD with meditation for mental wellness practices.
Luckily, we can feel the effects of CBD within 15 minutes if tinctures are used and 45 minutes if ingested in gummy form. This means we can time it properly so that the effects of CBD align with our meditation session. But before we get started, we should know what to expect and how to use CBD for meditation.
Meditation is not painful, nor is it considered a workout. However, our bodies hurt as we age; that’s just part of aging. That pain can lead to us avoiding meditation altogether. Even people with chronic pain would consider meditation if it wasn’t too painful for them.
CBD can help with that pain by reducing inflammation and relaxing the muscles. In fact, CBD does such a great job at getting people to a baseline that it is often used for workouts and even yoga.
Learning how to use CBD for meditation means knowing what to expect. The goal of meditation is to increase our concentration on a natural level. That means that using CBD sounds counterintuitive to the process since it will do some heavy lifting.
However, beginners can benefit from the leg up, and seasoned practitioners can expect refreshers. Think of CBD as the person holding the door open for you to walk through. However, you will be alone once you walk through that door.
Another benefit of meditation is that it reduces stress and anxiety. CBD can help with this aspect of the process as well. Again, holding the door open allows you to enter, and then you’re on your own. The idea is to go into the meditation with a clear mind already and then get even more apparent as you meditate.
Your mind will take the wheel once you get into a meditative state. This is more proof that learning how to use CBD for meditation is excellent for beginners who may need a leg up.
Meditation is all about reaching for and obtaining inner peace. CBD can help achieve that peace and even give you a rested feeling that keeps you optimistic in mind and body. You can use this improved mood to lengthen your meditation.
Ultimately, CBD is like training wheels for people who want to get to an entirely meditative state during their sessions but can’t quite figure it out on their own.
There are a few ways you can use CBD for mediation, but we will need to keep those timelines in mind. For example, you can use CBD tincture by placing a small amount under your tongue and holding it there for a bit before swallowing. Tinctures will take anywhere from 15 minutes to half an hour before you start to feel the effects.
CBD gummies for meditation will take anywhere from half an hour to an hour to kick in after consumption. You can also simply add CBD oil to your hand lotion and apply it to your hands, neck, and chest before you start meditating. The topical application could take up to two hours before you feel the effects.